Global Wealth Manager

Our flexible single premium plan.

Global Wealth Manager is a highly flexible loyalty plan with penalty-free access to the majority of your client's investment amount.

Product features Investor benefits
Minimum premium. USD 50,000, SGD 85,000, GBP 33,500, EUR 50,000 or HKD 500,000
Access to your money. Up to 90% of each premium can be withdrawn penalty-free during the first five years, with no restriction thereafter.
Loyalty bonus. Global Wealth Manager has an annual bonus paid as additional units into the plan from the third anniversary onwards.
Additional contributions. Minimum of USD 15,000, SGD 25,500, GBP 10,000, EUR 15,000 or HKD 150,000.
Wide choice of funds. A comprehensive range of funds which invest in professionally managed funds from some of the world's leading and most respected managers.
Free switching facility.  Flexibility to adapt your client's portfolio to changing opportunities at no cost, as often as your clients like. Currently no charge is made for switching between funds, although we reserve the right to introduce a charge, upon three months' written notice, of up to 1% of the amount involved or USD 15, SGD 25.50, GBP 10, EUR 15 or HKD 150, if greater.
Death benefit. 101% of the surrender value.


Important information

Friends Provident International Limited reserves the right to change its charges, at any time, at its discretion upon one month's written notice to the policyholder.

Friends Provident International Limited (Singapore Branch) does not offer investment advice on the merits or suitability of its products. It is therefore important that you provide financial advice on the suitability of the products to your clients individual circumstances.

Each policy is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the law of Singapore.