Why choose a trust?
There are various reasons why an individual might wish to place their plan into a trust or invest through a trust into a plan. The most common reasons are listed below.
Why choose a trust?
We have designed our trust range to offer tax-planning and wealth preservation solutions. The choice of trust will depend on the individual's financial and family circumstances.
Which trust?
Finding the balance between tax efficiency and flexibility (depending on your client's required level of control and access to the investment) can be a bit tricky. Use our tool to help find out which trust might be suitable for your clients.
Isle of Man Probate Trust
Suitable for individuals looking to avoid Isle of Man Probate upon their death. Nothing else.
Discounted Gift Trust
FPIL's DGT allows UK domiciled individuals to gift a policy into a trust, receive an income and subject to successful medical underwriting, immediately reduce the value of their estate for UK Inheritance Tax (IHT) purposes.
Beneficiary Trust
This trust is only created on the death of the last surviving plan owner. It’s an alternative to a nomination of beneficiary form.
Gift Trust
For those who wish to make outright gifts.
Loan trust
A Loan Trust is suitable for UK domiciled individuals who are unwilling or unable to give up access to capital, but who wish to mitigate IHT. This enables the settlor(s) to make a gift of the growth of their investment and still retain access to their original capital.
International Flexible Trust
Simple, flexible trust which is suitable for non-UK domiciled individuals.
Protection Trust
Allows the settlor to gift the death benefit whilst retaining the total and permanent disability and critical illness benefits